General eye examination

Regular eye examinations are crucial for maintaining the ocular health and overall well-being of our canine and feline companions. From detecting early signs of disease to monitoring vision changes, these examinations play a pivotal role in ensuring optimal ocular function.

This article provides insights into the importance of general eye examinations for dogs and cats, covering key aspects and procedures involved.

Table of Contents

Why Eye Examinations Matter

Early Detection of Ocular Disease

Routine eye examinations allow veterinarians to identify signs of ocular conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, corneal ulcers, or retinal abnormalities at their earliest stages. Early detection facilitates timely intervention, preventing progression and preserving vision whenever possible.

Monitoring Ocular Health

Regular eye examinations enable veterinarians to monitor changes in ocular health over time. This is particularly important for senior pets or those with predispositions to certain eye conditions, allowing for proactive management and intervention as needed.

Assessing Vision

Eye examinations help assess visual function in dogs and cats, identifying any deficits or abnormalities that may impact their quality of life. Vision assessment involves evaluating pupillary responses, tracking movements, and assessing visual acuity through behavioral observation and specialized tests.

General eye examination

Special imaging procedures

Provide detailed visualization for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning in various ocular conditions.

Computerized tomography

Scans provide detailed cross-sectional images, aiding in precise diagnosis and treatment planning.

Ocular ultrasound

Utilizes sound waves to image eye structures, assisting in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Electroretinography (ERG)

Assesses retinal function, crucial for diagnosing various eye conditions and monitoring treatment.

Chromatic pupil light reflex (cPLR) testing

Testing evaluates pupillary response, aiding in neurological and ocular assessments.


Intraocular pressure measurement, crucial for early detection and management of glaucoma and ocular conditions.

Tear production testing

Assesses ocular moisture levels, crucial for diagnosing dry eye syndrome and maintaining eye health.

Special stains

Special stains enhance visualization of ocular tissues, aiding in diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.

Nasolacrimal duct evaluation

Assesses drainage function, aiding in diagnosing and treating tear duct abnormalities.

Conclusion: Ensuring Ocular Health and Well-Being

Regular eye examinations are essential for safeguarding the ocular health and overall well-being of dogs and cats. By detecting early signs of disease, monitoring changes over time, and assessing visual function, veterinarians can provide comprehensive care and intervention when needed.

Pet owners play a vital role in maintaining their pet’s ocular health by scheduling routine eye examinations and promptly addressing any concerns or changes in their pet’s vision or ocular health. With proactive veterinary care and attentive monitoring, we can help our furry companions enjoy clear vision and optimal ocular function throughout their lives.

Animal Eye Clinic

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am – 5pm

Wednesday 9am – 5pm

Saturday – Closed

Animal Emergency Center of the Quad Cities

Every Tuesday and Friday

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