Ocular ultrasound

Utilizes sound waves to image eye structures, assisting in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Table of Contents

Understanding Ocular Ultrasound


Ocular ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the internal structures of the eye. It allows veterinarians to visualize ocular anatomy, assess pathology, and guide diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.


During an ocular ultrasound examination, sound waves are emitted from a transducer probe placed on the surface of the eye. These sound waves travel through the ocular tissues, where they are reflected back to the transducer and converted into visual images, revealing the internal structure of the eye.

Applications of Ocular Ultrasound in Veterinary Ophthalmology

Diagnostic Imaging

Ocular ultrasound is used to diagnose and characterize a wide range of ocular conditions, including intraocular masses, retinal detachments, lens abnormalities, vitreous hemorrhage, and intraocular inflammation. It provides valuable information about the size, shape, location, and composition of ocular lesions.

Trauma Assessment

Ocular ultrasound is particularly useful in evaluating ocular trauma, such as globe rupture, lens luxation, and intraocular hemorrhage. It helps identify the extent of injury, assess intraocular structures, and guide treatment decisions in traumatized eyes.

Conducting an Ocular Ultrasound Examination


During an ocular ultrasound examination, the patient is typically positioned in dorsal or lateral recumbency under sedation or general anesthesia to ensure immobilization and comfort. Ultrasound gel is applied to the ocular surface to facilitate sound wave transmission, and the transducer probe is gently placed on the eye to acquire images.

Types of Ocular Ultrasound

Different types of ocular ultrasound examinations may be performed based on the specific information required, including:

  • A-scan Ultrasound: Provides information about the depth and internal reflectivity of ocular structures.
  • B-scan Ultrasound: Generates cross-sectional images of the eye, allowing for detailed visualization of ocular anatomy.
  • High-frequency Ultrasound: Offers enhanced resolution for detailed assessment of superficial ocular structures.

Benefits of Ocular Ultrasound in Veterinary Practice


Ocular ultrasound is non-invasive and well-tolerated by most patients, making it a safe imaging modality for evaluating ocular pathology.

Real-time Imaging

Ultrasound imaging provides real-time visualization of ocular structures, allowing veterinarians to observe dynamic changes and assess intraocular fluid dynamics.

Clinical Significance and Implications

Treatment Planning

Ocular ultrasound findings guide treatment decisions and surgical planning, particularly in cases of intraocular masses, retinal detachments, and other complex ocular conditions.

Prognostic Evaluation

Ocular ultrasound helps veterinarians assess the severity of ocular pathology, predict treatment outcomes, and provide prognostic information to pet owners.


Ocular ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary ophthalmology, providing detailed imaging of ocular structures and aiding in the diagnosis and management of ocular conditions in animals. By understanding the principles, applications, procedure, benefits, and clinical significance of ocular ultrasound, veterinarians can leverage this advanced imaging technology to improve patient care and enhance outcomes for animals with ocular pathology.

Animal Eye Clinic

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Saturday – Closed

Animal Emergency Center of the Quad Cities

Every Tuesday and Friday

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